Hookah Genie

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Age To Smoke Hookah

by HookahGenie 3 comments


We'd like remind all of our visitors that the legal age of smoking Hookah in the USA is 18 and older. We urge all retail stores to check the IDs of people buying Hookah Tobacco so no under age person could purchase these products. Retail stores who sell to minors should be severely punished if they sell to people younger than the legal age. Also, Online stores must become a lot stricter on selling their water pipe products to underage people. Online stores need to create an age verifying system to stop young teenagers purchasing their illegal products. Parents also need to play a role in enforcing this law to their children. In many cultures, Hookah is allowed to be smoked by people under the age of 18. However, we need to remind these parents to educate their children about the harmful effects of tobacco and not to promote smoking. At Hookah Genie, we'd like laws to be followed and those who do not follow these guidelines must be condemned and punished.

Comments 3 comments
Anonymous said...

"Retail stores who sell to minors should be severely punished" why? its not like they're not gonna get whatever they want through an older friend or anything. cant blame stores for kids wantin to smoke

Anonymous said...

I disagree, there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying hookah at a young age. I began the pleasure of hookah when I was 4 years old and have never stopped. There is absolutely nothing wrong with selling to minors, in fact their should be no age restrictions.

Anonymous said...

there is no need to disagree bobby, hookah genie didnt do his research. there is actually no federal age to smoke in the US but there are several state laws. for example, i know that in my home state maryland, you must be 16 to smoke, but you have to be 18 to purchase tobacco. i also know that there are several loopholes for buying tobacco products such as pipes and hookahs but there arent any loopholes for buying the tobacco its self.