Hookah Genie

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Starbuzz Reigns as Best Tobacco for Spring/Summer '08

by HookahGenie 2 comments

Hi Everyone,

Been so busy with all of our other blogs that we haven't had time to update Hookah Genie. So in the last month, we have been visiting all the tobacco shops and hookah bars, and Starbuzz tobacco is the most popular tobacco sold and smoked.

Knowing the tobacco market, I thought people go through each season with a favorite, but Starbuzz has held a good lead over the last year and for months to come.

Our favorite flavors for the summer has to be Cantaloupe and Guava. They are ultimate blend to puff away with in the summer heat. Starbuzz is extremely smart to market their tobacco as a premier tobacco and set their prices so high because smokers want quality tobacco. If they are putting chemicals into their body, they would rather put the best and enjoy their session. Remember to smoke in moderation this spring and summer, and stay tuned for our new online store!

Comments 2 comments
Anonymous said...

hookah is the best! go genie!

Anonymous said...

ive heard from someone at http://www.hookah.ws that Layalina Gold will blow even Starbuzz away. Im excited =)