Hookah Genie

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Is Hookah Bad For You?

by HookahGenie 5 comments

We consistently have our readers e-mail us regarding the health issues of smoking Hookah. The answer to the question if Hookah is bad for you is YES. Smoking any products that contains tobacco, nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide is considered unhealthy by any means. The following elements that are contained in a Hookah causes all sorts of diseases. Amongst them are heart disease, cancer, emphysema and birth defects. All those conditions are caused by the chemicals produced in a Hookah session.

Comments 5 comments
Anonymous said...

hookah is not much bad for us same like water bongs...try: http://www.water-bongs-glass-pipes.com/

Anonymous said...

Hookah is not good for you, but it's better than a cigarette.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO are u crazy? nargil aint bad for you all it is is flavoured water that turns into smoke when it goes through the pipe and u dont even inject the smoke AND its not even close to as bad as a cigaretter

Anonymous said...

its a great way to give up cigs and i dont find it addictive although it is bad for you. You still in inhale it in your mouth and it can get absorbed in to the gums.

Anonymous said...

Kevin You are the most un-informed person I have ever seen with enough nerve to post such a false statement. Look up about smoking tobacco. What do you mean flavored water? Please for the sake of society, educate yourself so you don't come off the top with sheer ignorence. (Even breathing excessive dust is bad for you)